My Resume


Long-term objectives: Develop nanotechnology or photonics as a successful Materials or Chemical Engineer.
Short-term objectives: Gain practical engineering experience in industry and research settings. Pursue rigorous academic material.


Dublin High School, Dublin, CA. (2013-present)
GPA: 4.24/4.00 (weighted)
Project Lead the Way Engineering Academy Courses and Descriptions:
Robotics: Engineering notebook skills, Arduino-based C++ programing and circuitry.
Principles of Engineering: Mechanical calculations, power sources, thermodynamics, and C/C++ programming.
Digital Electronics: Combinational and sequential logic with integrated circuits, on simulators, and with a PLD.
Computer Science Engineering: HTML, CSS and Python Programing, computer networking, app creation.
Other Relevant Coursework:
Science: Biology with Research, Honors Chemistry, AP Chemistry, AP Physics.
Math: Algebra II with Trigonometry, Trigonometry with Precalculus, AP AB Calculus, AP BC Calculus.
English: Advanced English 1, Advanced English II, AP English Language & Composition, Science Fiction Literature.
Artistic Pursuit: Band Publicity Manager for the DHS Irish Guard, Band Council Member-at-Large, Clarinet, Soloist, First, Second, and Third parts; Dublin High School Irish Guard Marching and Symphonic Band; 2016 performance in Dublin, Ireland; 2014 performance in Chicago, Illinois.
Fields of interest: Materials Science/Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering.

Engineering Experience:

VEX Robotics: Head Scout, Drive Team Coach, Team 5327 D. Built, documented robots, and competed at state level.
Projects: Project Manager in the Robotics and Gael Force Build Clubs, \'You Are A Pirate\' Breadboard Display featured on poster for Engineering Academy, White Tile Robot, Hand Controlled Radio, Electronic Dreidel Game, Mechanical Winch, West Point Bridge Design.

Work and Volunteer Experience:

Paid Work: Engineering Intern at Seismic Warning Systems (2016) as featured in the Dublin High School Engineering and Design Academy/'s first newsletter, DPIE Teacher?s Assistant for Summer Honors Chemistry (2016).
NASA: Ames Research Center Intern, helping NASA and SAIC update 2009 Augmented Reality Tower Tool (ARTT).
Camp Counseling: Jano India Summer Camp in Santa Clara and San Ramon (2015, 2012), Jewish Community Center Family Camp (2014, 2013), India Community Center Summer Camp in Milpitas (2012).
Boy Scout Community Service in Castro Valley, currently with Troop 726: Led Repairing and Repainting of Masonic Center Facade (2016), Drip-irrigated garden installation (2015), Castro Valley Village flag drop-box installation (2013), Retiring flags (2010-2016), Color Guard for public assemblies (2010-2016), Creating and distributing lunches for the homeless (2010-2016), Serving veterans (2011), Masonic Lodge ground maintenance (2011), Collecting and distributing canned food (2005-2016), Planting trees (2008).


Languages: English (fluent), Hebrew (proficient), Hindi (functional), French (functional).
Certifications: CPR for all ages, Basic First Aid
Skills: Soldering, C, C++, Arduino, Dremeling, Multisim

Awards and Positions:

Awards: Principal/'s Honor Roll, Academic Block D, California Scholarship Federation Member, National Honors Society Member, Honorable Mention at the Alameda County Science and Engineering Fair, selected to participate in the Lawrence Livermore National Lab Information Technology Job Shadow Day, Star Scout.
Positions: Captain of VEX Robotics 5327 A: Development Team, Gael Force Build and Robotics Club Project Manager, NASA Ames Research Center Intern, VEX Head Scout and Drive Team Coach, Band Publicity Manager and Band Council Member-at-Large, Instructor, Chaplain/'s Aide, and Historian for Boy Scout Troop 726.

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