Project 1.2.2 Kill The Zer0 Game

Project Members: Aviram Bhalla-Levine and Anthony Alejandres
Class: Computer Science and Engineering
Date: 15 September 2016
Summary: In this project, my team tasked with creating a game or interactive story on the Scratch coding platform. We chose to create a two player bullet-hell game where players would attempt to destroy the other player while avoiding swarms of virtual projectiles.
My Role: In this project, I programmed most, if not all of the actual features and functions in the game. I also individually documented the game's development in an online design notebook. I collaborated with my partner, Anthony, to incorporate the pixelated retro graphics into the game while avoiding making the game difficult clearly see and play.
What I learned: In this project I was more educated on the various techniques and strategies in coding than my partner, who had little engineering experience. I therefore spent significant time explaining to him how the code worked, and so learned how to explain my projects better to public audiences.

Play the game! Two players recommended.

This website was made with personalized Bootstrap by Aviram Bhalla-Levine,
and is hosted by GitHub's website service for this online engineering portfolio.