About Me:

Currently, I am as student at Dublin High School in Dublin, California and in the Engineering and Design Academy. My long term goal is to become a successful Materials Engineer. I hope to work in photonics. My short term goal is to continue to refine my practical and analytical skills in a real work and research setting. Academically, this means taking various rigorous academic classes, such as the Engineering Academy courses, AP Calculus BC, and AP Chemistry. In the community, this means taking on leadership roles in my school's Robotics Club, where I lead the Development Team, 5327A, the Irish Guard Concert and Marching Band, where I am the Publicity Manager, and Boy Scout Troop 726. These actions prepare for college at UC Berkeley as they help me develop my educational, social, and leadership skills ultimately aiding me on my path to success.

My Experiences:
I have participated in many activities that enhance my skill and my identity. I have been an active member of VEX competition teams in the DHS Robotics Club from the beginning of high school and competed at the state level. Last year I co-founded the Gael Force Build Club to create an environment for entrepreneurial engineering projects. From these experience I have learned many teamwork and mechanical skills. I have continuously been involved in scouting first as a Cub Scout and then as a Boy Scout since the first grade. Currently, I am a Star Class Scout in Castro Valley Troop 726. Recently, I led our troop in a life project that involved the refurbishment of our hosting organization's building facade. From this experience I learned leadership and organizational skills. I have participated in advanced symphonic concert and marching band for three years and currently play first and second clarinet parts, including solos. I also advocate for the various bands through the video bulletin and other school-based media. I traveled with the Dublin High School Concert Band to Chicago to preform at the Chicago Symphony Hall. Last spring, I traveled with the Dublin High School Marching Band and Color Guard from Dublin, California to Dublin, Ireland, where we participated in a musical cultural exchange at several schools and in the Saint Patrick's Day Parade in Bray. This, and other band experiences, have taught me the value of dedication and perseverance. In the summer before my freshman year I served as a camp counselor at both Jano India Summer Camp and The Indian Community Center Summer Camp. I have learned to collaborate effectively with other counselors and be adaptive in my counseling strategies. This volunteer experience helped me give back my community and taught me to be tolerant and understanding of others. I will be continuing to develop my bilingual counselor skills in Hindi camp.

Personal Achievements:
My achievements include: Principal's Honor Roll throughout all my public education with a current GPA of 4.24 in the most recent semester. Achievement of the Academic Block D and pin. Lifetime membership in the California Scholarship Fund.

Personal Quality: Mediator-Facilitator:
One quality I possess that is very useful in my activities as an engineer, and elsewhere, is the ability to resolve disputes. I learned this valuable skill of calming everyone down to a logical state of mind to optimize efficient decision-making in my seventh grade Tzedakah (charity) Project, when I assumed control of the class by popular decision and guided my classmates to make quick but thoughtful and logical decisions. I continue as a successful mediator-facilitator in heated engineering-based debates among the members of my engineering and robotics teams. My ability to remain calm and to think about the big picture rather than a minor debate has allowed me to lead my teams to greater efficiency.

This website was made with personalized Bootstrap by Aviram Bhalla-Levine,
and is hosted by GitHub's website service for this online engineering portfolio.