Project 1.4.7 Silhouette

Project Members: Aviram Bhalla-Levine and Rebecca Griffin
Class: Computer Science and Engineering
Date: 23 March 2017
Summary: In this project, my team was asked to develop and market a software written in the python language with the PIL and numpy libraries that would manipulate images in a desired manner.
My Role: In this project, I was primarily the programmer. I developed the various algorithms necessary to perform the image manipulation, implemented them in the code, and built a text-based user interface to ensure that the code would be executed properly. I also created the slideshow to exhibit the image manipulation. Although I wrote some of the descriptions in the documentation for the technical aspects of the project log, my partner did most of the documentation.
What I learned: I learned how to communicate with my partner by phone and email as we both took turn being sick during this project. I also gained some insight onto the sheer number of calculations necessary for computers to perform for seemingly simple tasks. By the end of the project, my code took so long to execute that I had to add in a verbose progress indicator. took so long to execute that I had to add in a vebose progress indicator.

A presentation with sample image modifications.

This website was made with personalized Bootstrap by Aviram Bhalla-Levine,
and is hosted by GitHub's website service for this online engineering portfolio.